A Talk With NOTEBOOK [29/04/23]

Ahead of the release of their new album, ‘whenever wherever i love you’, on April 29th (edit: that’s today!), the Californian bedroom producer of (what I’m choosing to call) ambient electronica, NOTEBOOK joined me for a chat about Jet Set Radio, Playstation games, and Romance. 



What’s Up! How are you feeling right now? What kind of energy are you feeling this month?


I am doing very well. I feel very good, getting good vibes right now.


The name of your upcoming album (‘whenever wherever i love you”) sounds pretty sentimental. Can you tell me more about what inspired the title? How does it come into the music? 


Well the name of the album came from an old ps2 ad I saw long ago, and for some reason I remembered it. I also decided to name it that from the vibe of some of the songs off the album– When I was making the album the vibe of the songs and project names of these songs felt romantic like a dreamy date, and so I felt it needed a sentimental name. So I chose ‘whenever wherever i love you’ (fun fact the original title for the album was called “it’s more powerful than god”).


You’ve said publicly that this album is going to be ‘unique’ within your discography and that you’ve taken a new approach with it. Care to fill us in on what is different about this project compared to your previous ones? 


One thing that made this project different is that when I started to work on this album in November I was inspired by other genres such as trip hop, ambient, etc. As well as playing Silent Hill 2 and listening to the OST. I wanted it to be unique due to my last proper album (file drop) being more drum n bass/breakcore. I decided in November that I wanted to make an ambient record and switch it up as well as to give myself a challenge.



Did you find anything creatively or technically challenging with this new album or did it all come together relatively easily? 


One thing that was somewhat challenging was the motivation to keep going, hence why I was inactive for a while on socials and on music in general. But, I took my time and I was able to finish it- everything else was easy.


What inspires your visual aesthetic? From your logo, to your url set visuals, to your singles/EPs/album covers.


I think it’s pretty clear my inspirations are from 90s video games, y2k, ps1/ps2 ads and anime (a lot). I always wanted my music to sound like a Jet Set Radio game and I’ve been watching anime since I was a kid so I guess the visuals of anime just flow into my url sets. With my most recent set with you guys I had on some Jet Set Radio gameplay in the video. I did do a dj set with no visuals for another url fest but it never transpired ( I might release it one day on Youtube if I’m lucky).


Favourite track from the Jet Set Radio OST?


Gotta be ‘humming the bassline’ it’s a cool track to listen to when I used to skate I always played the song riding through my neighbourhood so I really like the song and the OST as a whole.  


Anything extra you want to say to readers whilst you’re here?


I  would say of course listen to the new album on my Bandcamp [link below], it would mean the world to me. Also I am in the works of releasing more archival stuff from long ago that I haven’t released so be on the lookout and thanks for listening to my music to everyone that has been supporting me since november of 2020 shout out the rudder, punkwedgie [Pukwudgie], torture pop, miditatt, church on acid, my band hellfare, okaymylo, and to the person reading this interview thanks and I’ll see you next time. 

Support NOTEBOOK @:

LINKS: https://linktr.ee/NoTeBoOkk 

BANDCAMP: https://notebook69.bandcamp.com 

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/notebookofffical/ 

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS825s1U6JmF0lvgcYcqlhw 


Jack, 29 April 2023

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